The integration of the real and virtual world allows a broad range of applications for automatic/natural human-machine interaction, simulation of complex scenarios and visualization of complex information and knowledge in the fields of medical sciences and engineering. At its top of it is visual high performance computing, virtual reality systems, and virtual 3D worlds. Modern sensor technology enables the recording of objects and external scenarios as well as interaction with them. State of the art visualization methods and automated systems enable natural reconstructions in a real-time world scenario.
According to the research it has been found that till 2020 augmented reality and virtual reality will have transferred the point that reality itself will be covered.
The UCERD Real-time Augmented and Virtual Reality (RAVR) Research Group utilizes processing technologically that is closely related to virtual reality to build the conceptually senarios.
Today, we are observing the acceleration of virtual reality (VR), an interesting new technology that guarantees to convert the fundamental way of interaction with the information, society, and the world at large.
RAVR is currently working on a series of experiments in the health-care where we are investigating the use of augmented reality technology to enhance the awareness and interests of patients suffering physical problems.

[1] Authors: Wasim, Akram.; Tassadaq Hussain; Eduard Ayguade.
Title: FPGA and ARM Processor based Supercomputing
Conference: 2018 International Conference on Computing, Mathematics and Engineering Technologies – iCoMET 2018.
Publisher: IEEE Xplorer.
ISBN: 978-1-5386-1370-2.
[2] Memory Resources Aware Run-Time Automated Scheduling Policy for Multi-core Systems Authors Tassadaq Hussain Publication date 2017/12/16 Journal Microprocessors and Microsystems Publisher Elsevier
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[4] ViPS: A Novel Visual Processing System Architecture for Medical Imaging: Tassadaq Hussain, ScienceDirect Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, ISSN: 1746-8094. IF: 2.214
[5] Formation of pn-junction with stable n-doping in graphene field effect transistors using e-beam irradiation. Muhammad Zahir Iqbal, Nadia Anwar, Salma Siddique, Muhammad Waqas Iqbal, Tassadaq Hussain. Journal of Optical Materials 2017, ISSN: 0925-3467 IF: 2.238
[6] A Novel Hardware Support for Heterogeneous Multi-core Memory System : Tassadaq Hussain, ScienceDirect Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 2016, ISSN: 0743-7315. IF: 1.930
[7] PMSS: A Programmable Memory System and Scheduler for Regular Memory Patterns: Tassadaq Hussain, Eduard Ayguade and Amna Haider. ScienceDirect Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 2014. ISSN: 0743-7315 IF:1.930
[8] AMC: Advanced Multi-core Controller: Tassadaq Hussain, Amna Haider, Shakaib Arsalan and Eduard Ayguade. ScienceDirect Journal of Parallel Computing 2014. ISSN: 0167-8191 IF: 1.511
[9] Memory Controller for Vector Processor: Tassadaq Hussain, Springer Journal of VLSI Signal Processing Systems for Signal, Image, and Video Technology 2016. ISSN: 1939-8018 IF: 0.893
[10] HMMC: A Memory Controller for Heterogeneous Multi-core System, Tassadaq Hussain. ScienceDirect Microprocessors and Microsystems 2015. ISSN: 0141-9331 IF: 1.025
[11] PGC: a pattern-based graphics controller: Tassadaq Hussain and Amna Haider. Int. J. Circuits and Architecture Design 2014.