1. Development of a patient monitor and remote medical data sharing for vital signs and mental stress. 12.6 Million Pak Rs. Funded by Higher Education Commission under Technology Transfer Support Fund (TTSF) 2021.
2. Indigenous Development of Ventilator as Software Development Team-lead Rs. 12M Funded by Pakistan Science Foundation 2020 (Completed).
3. Development Of A Scalable Heterogeneous Supercomputer, as PI HEC funding of 16 Millions under TDF-3rd Call 2018/19 (Completed)
4. Design, Development And Production Of Hardware Based Gel Documentation System For DNA, RNA And Proteins Analysis, (Completed) HEC funding of 18 Millions under TDF-3rd Call 2018/19.
5. Development of PCI interface to DPRAM in FPGA. Rs. 0.15M as PI awarded by National Engineering & Scientific Commission 2020.
6. Spanish Ministry Severo Ochoa Mobility Grant to start collaboration with Barcelona Supercomputing Center (2019)
7. Iris based Disease Diagnostic System as PI (Completed) HEC Funding of 2.52 Million under NRPU 2017/18.
8. Applying deep learning approaches on BCI applications (Completed) in collaboration with New Zealand Centre for Chiropractic Research.
9. Low Power Low Cost Supercomputer Architecture for Undeveloped Countries. As Project In-charge, funding 1 Million Pak Rs. by UCERD Pvt. Ltd. Islamabad. (Completed Year 2015-16)
10. Design Ultra Low Cost Display Camera Interface for Mobile Baseband X-Gold Chip as Digital Designer at Infineon Technologies France (2008-09 Completed).
11. Implementation of Reverse Time Migration on FGPAs as a Research Member at PLDA Italia, HiPEAC and REPSOL - BSC Research Center (2010 Completed).
12. Programmable Memory Controller for Vector System-on-Chip as Research Member at Microsoft Research Cambridge (2012 Completed).
• STEM ToySack
ToysSack provides effective STEM classrooms that energize youngsters, help them grow into innovative thinkers and collaborators, and equip them for their futures. ToysSack provides the tools that are needed to get started and enhance STEM classes for youngsters. The classes provide science, math, and technology to solve real-world engineering design problems.
• Entrepreneurial Academy
The Entrepreneurial academy welcomes businesses at any stage, from guiding startups operation to supporting established businesses looking to grow within their chosen industries. The Entrepreneurial Academy aims a) to empower young people, professionals, and businessmen through a creative and specialized hands-on curriculum, b) to provide technological and financial resources, and c) partner with local corporations.
• ComputingPark
Collaboration with Barcelona Super-computing Center Spain
ComputingPark works according to the generic concept of technology parks with an extendable approach in the future, welcoming new tenant companies, students, scholars, managing authorities, established industries to work for hands in hands for the achievement of valuable technology diffusion in Pakistan.
• Pakistan Supercomputing Center
The PakistanSupercomputing provides services in the area of high performance computing and Artificial Intelligence. The Center provides secure and indigenous hardware-software solutions for embedded computing, cloud computing, and high performance computing applications. It provides Machine learning and deep reinforcement models to handle big-data properly through high performance computing machines.
• FootAnalytic:
FootAnalytic system is a biomedical device that takes pressure values from different parts of the feet and applies intelligent analysis to identify and diagnose different problems and issues due to bodyweight distribution. The FootAnalytic system is very useful in solving rehab problems. The system is in the final prototype stage and the team is working on commercialization and marketing.
• Smart Motor Controller:
The Smart Motor Controller is designed to provide hardware and software solutions for different types of automation projects. The controller supports BLDC, Induction, and PMSM. The project is installed for water pumping machines in agriculture applications. Its technology is also transferred to the Gujrat Fan industry for efficient and low-cost fan design with low energy consumption and higher power delivery. The Smart Controller for fan technology improves the “service value” by enhancing the power factor and reducing energy consumption. The technology improves the power factor up to 7-15 % by reducing power consumption up to 10W of a fan.
• Mechancial Solutions
The mechsack is a mechanical solution provider platform for creative and innovative ideas in the field of modeling and simulation, design and process, automobile and aerodynamics, hydraulics and fluid dynamics, power and renewable energies, statical and dynamic analysis, mechanical graphics and drawings, and many more. We provide assistance and guidance at any step of your innovation process in the vast and versatile field of mechanical.
• Medical Sack
The medical sack provides innovative ideas and project developments for biomedical applications. The medical sack provides complete bio-medical grade applications solutions using human body sensor interfaces, embedded high performance heterogeneous processing system architectures and scalable medical programming toolkits and applies advanced signal processing techniques.
• Smart and Cost Effective Atta Chaki (Flour Miller)
Pakistan consumes 25.6 Million Metric Ton wheat in a year, the engineering machinery used to process the wheat consumes approximately 640 Mega KW-Units of Electricity. Pure, original, and whole grain atta is a blessing that is not easily available even in agricultural countries like Pakistan due to socio, economic, and unprofessional management. Atta-Chaki propose complete supply chain and engineering solution for pure, whole grain desi atta at a comparative price from the market. The Atta-Chaki business model not only provides pure atta at a low price but also gives complete low-cost, low-power efficient engineering and business solutions for grain millers.
• Rice Sorting and Classification Machine:
Rice with 27 different varieties is the second largest cash crop in Pakistan. Pakistan's rice industry is unable to attain its deserving export position among its competitors due to the unavailability of high-end engineering machinery such as color sorting that provides rice finishing facilities of the required level. The Rice Color Classification and the Sorting machine takes the rice images using and by using advanced computing technology and intelligent computer vision techniques, it classifies the rice based on available varieties. The application is funded by Al-Karam Rice engineering and is now being used by the agricultural industry.

Journals: (Total Impact Factor = 41.248)
1. Improved Displacement Sensing by Spectral Processing of Laser Self-Mixing Interferometry Signal Phase Authors: Saqib Amin and Tassadaq Hussain. ScienceDirect Journal of Optick 2021, ISSN:0030-4026. IF: 2.443 (HEC W-Category)
2. PH-RLS: A Parallel Hybrid Recursive LeastSquare Algorithm for Self-MixingInterferometric Laser Sensor. Zohaib A Khan , Tassadaq Hussain, Usman Zabit, Muhammad Usman, Eduard Ayguade IET Optoelectronics ISSN 1751-8776. I.F 1.742 (HEC X-Category)
3. Implementation of A High Accuracy Phase Unwrapping Algorithm using Parallel-hybrid Programming Approach for Displacement Sensing using Self-Mixing Interferometry Authors: Tassadaq Hussain, Saqib Amin, Usman Zabit, Eduard Ayguade Springer Nature Journal of Supercomputing I.F. 2.469. ISSN 1573-0484 (HEC W-Category)
4. An Intelligent Iris Based Chronic Kidney Identification System. Sohail M, Tassadaq Hussain, and others MDPI Symmetry I.F. 2.4. ISSN 2073-8994 (HEC W-Category)
5. High Resolution Laser Self-Mixing Displacement Sensor under Large Variation in Optical Feedback and Speckle. S Amin, U Zabit, OD Bernal, Tassadaq Hussain IEEE Sensors Journal. I.F. 3.07. ISSN: 1530-437X (HEC W-Category)
6. Adaptive Estimation and Reduction of Noises Affecting a Self-Mixing Interferometric Laser Sensor. Zohaib Khan, U Zabit, OD Bernal, Tassadaq Hussain. IEEE Sensors Journal. I.F. 3.07. ISSN: 1530-437X (HEC W-Category)
7. Enhancement in the mobility of solution processable polymerbased FET by incorporating graphene interlayer. M. Zahir Iqbal, T. Hussain and others. Science Direct Journal of Superlattices and Microstructures 2020 ISSN: 0749-6036. I.F. 2.385 (HEC W-Category)
8. Ultraviolet-light-driven current modulation of Au/WS 2 /Gr Schottky barrier. M. Zahir Iqbal, T. Hussain and others. Science Direct: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures ISSN: 1386-9477 I.F. 3.176 (HEC W-Category)
9. A Heterogeneous Multi-core based Biomedical Application Processing System and Programming Toolkit. T. Hussain, A. Haider, A. TALEB. Springer VLSI Journal of Signal Processing Systems ISSN: 1939-8018 2018 IF:1.088 (HEC X-Category)
10. Capacitive and diffusion-controlled mechanism of strontium oxide based symmetric and asymmetric devices. M. Zahir Iqbal, T. Hussain and others. Journal of Energy Storage 2019 ISSN: 2352-152X. I.F. 3.517 (HEC W-Category)
11. A High Performance Real-time Interferometry Sensor System Architecture, Tassadaq Hussain, Saqib Amin, Usman Zabit, Olivier D. Bernal, and Thierry Bosch, Microprocessors and Microsystems November 2018. ISSN: 0141-9331 IF: 1.049 (HEC X-Category)
12. EMVS: Embedded Multi Vector-core System, Tassadaq Hussain, Amna Haider, Adrian Cristal and Eduard Ayguade ScienceDirect Journal of Systems Architecture June 2018. ISSN: 1383-7621 IF: 1.579 (HEC X-Category)
13. Memory Resources Aware Run-Time Automated Scheduling Policy for Multi-core Systems, Tassadaq Hussain. ScienceDirect Microprocessors and Microsystems March 2018. ISSN: 0141-9331 IF: 1.44 (HEC X-Category)
14. Influence of DC-biasing on the performance of graphene spin valve, Muhammad, Zahir, Hussaina Ghulam, Siddiqueb Salma, Tassadaq Hussain, Muhammad Javaid. ScienceDirect, Journal of Solid State Communications 2018. ISSN: 0038-1098 IF: 1.554 (HEC X-Category)
15. ViPS: A Novel Visual Processing System Architecture for Medical Imaging: Tassadaq Hussain, ScienceDirect Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 2017, ISSN: 1746-8094. IF: 2.783 (HEC W-Category)
16. Formation of pn-junction with stable n-doping in graphene field effect transistors using e-beam irradiation. Muhammad Zahir Iqbal, Tassadaq Hussain and others. Journal of Optical Materials 2017, ISSN: 0925-3467 IF: 2.238 (HEC W-Category)
17. A Novel Hardware Support for Heterogeneous Multi-core Memory System : Tassadaq Hussain, ScienceDirect Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 2016, ISSN: 0743-7315. IF: 1.930 (HEC W-Category)
18. PMSS: A Programmable Memory System and Scheduler for Regular Memory Patterns: Tassadaq Hussain, Eduard Ayguade and Amna Haider. ScienceDirect Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 2014. ISSN: 0743-7315 IF:1.930 (HEC W-Category)
19. AMC: Advanced Multi-core Controller: Tassadaq Hussain, Amna Haider, Shakaib Arsalan and Eduard Ayguade. ScienceDirect Journal of Parallel Computing 2014. ISSN: 0167-8191 IF: 1.511 (HEC X-Category)
20. Memory Controller for Vector Processor: Tassadaq Hussain, Springer VLSI Journal of Signal Processing Systems for Signal, Image, and Video Technology 2016. ISSN: 1939-8018 IF:1.088 (HEC X-Category)
21. HMMC: A Memory Controller for Heterogeneous Multi-core System, Tassadaq Hussain. ScienceDirect Microprocessors and Microsystems 2015. ISSN: 0141-9331 IF: 1.44 (HEC X-Category)
22. PGC: a pattern-based graphics controller: Tassadaq Hussain and Amna Haider. Int. J. Circuits and Architecture Design 2014. ISSN: 2051-7033
23. A Stand-alone Brain Computer Interface based Real-time Processing System. to appear.
24. Implementation of Recursive Least Square Algorithm on Multi-core System Architecture. to appear.
1. An Iris based Smart System for Stress Identification. Tassadaq Hussain, Amna Haider, Areeb Agha, Soltan Abed Alharbi and Eduard Ayguade. 1st International Conference On Electrical, Communication And Computer Engineering (ICECCE-2019)
2. SDDRM: Software Defined Digital Radio Mondiale. Tassadaq Hussain, Tayyab Mujahid, Muhammad Abdullah, Shahzaib Saeed and Soltan Abed Alharbi. 1st International Conference On Electrical, Communication And Computer Engineering (ICECCE-2019)
3. An Iris based Lungs Pre-diagnostic System. Tassadaq Hussain, Amna Haider. Abdelmalik Taleb Ahmed, Eduard Ayguade. International Conference on Computing and Mathemtical Sciences 2018 ISBN 978-1-5386-9509-8.
4. A High Performance Edge Server System. Tassadaq Hussain, Adnan Rafique, Amna Haider. International Conference on Computing and Mathemtical Sciences 2018 ISBN 978-1-5386-9509-8.
5. An Intelligent Real-time Heart Diseases Diagnosis Algorithm. Tassadaq Hussain, Rooh Ullah Khan, Hanan Quddus, Amna Haider. International Conference on Computing and Mathemtical Sciences 2018 ISBN 978-1-5386-9509-8.
6. Flexible Data Acquisition System for Aerodynamics Applications. Tassadaq Hussain, Adnan Rafique, Amna Haider. International Conference on Computing and Mathemtical Sciences 2018 ISBN 978-1-5386-9509-8.
7. An Intelligent Dress Uniform Identification System. Tassadaq Hussain, Mubeen Ahmad, Shahid Ali, Amna Haider. International Conference on Computing and Mathemtical Sciences 2018 ISBN 978-1-5386-9509-8.
8. FPGA and ARM Processor based Supercomputing Wasim Akram, Tassadaq Hussain, Eduard Ayguade. International Conference on Computing and Mathemtical Sciences 2018 ISBN 978-1-5386-1370-2.
9. A High Performance Software Defined Radio System Architecture and Development Environment for wide range of Applications. Tassadaq Hussain, Mujeeb Ur Rehma, Musawir Khan, Khalid Anayat, Wasim Akram, Asad Habib, Ahtisham Arshad, Ahsan Akbar. International Conference on Computing and Mathemtical Sciences 2018 ISBN 978-1-5386-1370-2.
10. Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation Mode Control Using Pulse Oximeter Tassadaq Hussain, Amna Haider, Wasim Akram, Mujeeb Ur Rehman, Azam Khan, Muhammad Abbas. International Conference on Computing and Mathemtical Sciences 2018 ISBN 978-1-5386-1370-2.
11. Implementation of High Precision Laser Interferometry Algorithm for Real-time Displacement Sensing using Multi-core Architecture Tassadaq Hussain, Saqib Amin, Usman Zabit International Conference on Communication, Computing and Digital Systems (C-CODE) 2017 ISBN: 978-1-5090-4448-1
12. Hardware Implementation of Metric Algorithms for a Self-Mixing Laser Interferometric Sensor Saqib Amin, Usman Zabit, Tassadaq Hussain and Oliver Bernal. IEEE International Multi-Topic Conference (INMIC) 2016
13. FPGA based Processing of Speckle Affected Self-Mixing Interferometric Signals Saqib Amin, Tassadaq Hussain, Usman Zabit 14th International Conference on Frontiers of Information Technology (FIT 2016)
14. A High Performance Real-time FGPA-based Interferometry Sensor Architecture Tassadaq Hussain, Usman Zabit, Saqib Amin 14th International Conference on Frontiers of Information Technology (FIT 2016)
15. MVPA: A Multi Vector Processor Architecture. Tassadaq Hussain, Oscar Palomar, Adrian Cristal, Eduard Ayguade and Amna Haider. The 13th International Bhurban Conference on Applied Sciences & Technology
16. Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Smith‐Waterman Algorithm. M Shafiq, B Dickov, Tassadaq Hussain. The 13th International Bhurban Conference on Applied Sciences & Technology
17. Access Pattern based Multi‐layer Bus Virtualization Controller. Tassadaq Hussain, Oscar Palomar, Adrian Cristal, Eduard Ayguade, Faysal Kamran and Amna Haider. The 13th International Bhurban Conference on Applied Sciences & Technology
18. ViPS: Visual Processing System for Medical Imaging. Tassadaq Hussain, Oscar Palomar, Adrian Cristal, Eduard Ayguade and Amna Haider. The 7th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI).
19. PAMS: Pattern Aware Memory System for Embedded Systems: Tassadaq Hussain, Oscar Palomar, Adrian Cristal, Osman Unsal, Eduard Ayguade and Mateo Valero. 2014 International Conference on Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs (ReConFig 2014).
20. AMMC: Advanced Multi-core Memory Controller: Tassadaq Hussain, Oscar Palomar, Adrian Cristal, Osman Unsal, Eduard Ayguade and Mateo Valero. The 2014 International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology FPT 2014.
21. MAPC: Memory Access Pattern Controller: Tassadaq Hussain, Oscar Palomar, Cristal Adrian, Osman Unsal, Eduard Ayguade and Mateo Valero. FPL2014 : 24th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications.
22. Memory Controller for Vector Processor: Tassadaq Hussain, Oscar Palomar, Adrian Cristal, Osman Unsal, Eduard Ayguade and Mateo Valero. The 25th IEEE International Conference on Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors (ASAP2014)
23. Advanced Pattern based Memory Controller for FPGA based Applications: Tassadaq Hussain, Oscar Palomar, Adrian Cristal, Osman Unsal, Eduard Ayguade and Mateo Valero. International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS2014).
24. RTM Kernel Implementation on FPGA using High Level Synthesis Tool: Tassadaq Hussain and Amna Haider. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing July 2014. ISBN: 978-3659557651.
25. Stand-alone Memory Controller for Graphics System: Tassadaq Hussain, Oscar Palomar, Adrian Cristal, Osman Unsal, Eduard Ayguade and Mateo Valero. The 10th International Symposium on Applied Reconfigurable Computing (ARC 2014).
26. APMC: Advanced Pattern based Memory Controller: Tassadaq Hussain, Oscar Palomar, Adrian Cristal, Osman Unsal, Eduard Ayguade, Mateo Valero and Rethinagiri Santhosh. 22nd ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA 2014).
27. TCCT: A GUI Table Comparison Computer Tool: Ali ALZAABI, Georges ALQUIÉ, Tassadaq Hussain, Ali SEBA. International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering (CISSE 2010), Book: Emerging Trends in Computing, Informatics, Systems Sciences, and Engineering, Springer New York 2012.
28. PPMC : Hardware Scheduling and Memory Management support for Multi Hardware Accelerators: Tassadaq Hussain, Miquel Pericas, Nacho Navarro, Eduard Ayguade. 22nd International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications FPL2012.
29. PPMC: On Chip Memory Manager and Scheduler for Vector Processor: Tassadaq Hussain. Appeared in HiPEAC info (issue 32): October 2012.
30. PPMC : A Programmable Pattern based Memory Controller: Tassadaq Hussain, Muhammad Shafiq, Miquel Pericas, Nacho Navarro, Eduard Ayguade. ARC 2012, the 8th International Symposium on Applied Reconfigurable Computing (2012).
31. Implementation of a Reverse Time Migration Kernel using the HCE High Level Synthesis Tool: Tassadaq Hussain, Miquel Pericas, Nacho Navarro, Eduard Ayguade. The 2011 International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology FPT 2011.
32. Harris Extraction and SIFT Matching for Correlation of two Tablets: Ali ALZAABI, Georges ALQUIÉ, Tassadaq Hussain, Ali SEBA. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology WASET 2011.
Working as Professor Electrical Engineering Department at NAMAL University (2023 – till date)
Served University of Sialkot as Professor, Dean Faculty of Computing and IT, Director ORIC. 2021-2023
Wored as Associate Professor in Riphah International University Islamabad till 2021
Served for five years Barcelona Supercomputing Center and Microsoft Research Center from August 2009 to December 2014
Worked closely with High Level Synthesis designers at Ylichron technologies to develop Three-dimensional memory organization for stencil computation
Worked for Infineon Technology digital design department form July 2008 to March 2009
Implemented Programmable Memory Controller for Vector SoC at Microsoft Research Cambridge
Served Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation as Senior Broadcasting Engineer from 2005 to 2007
One Year of Experience in CARE (Center for Advanced Research in Engineering) Private Limited from 2004 – 2005
1. Conducted a workshop on Supercomputing and Artificial Intelligent at Riphah International University on 16th of December 2017.
2. Presented Supercomputing and Artificial Intelligent on TechTalk Session at DICE Mega Event of Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2017
3. Streaming Scatter Gather DMA Controller for Hardware Accelerators: Tassadaq Hussain, Miquel Pericas, Nacho Navarro, Eduard Ayguade. Advanced Computer Architecture and Compilation for Embedded Systems July 2010 Spain, ISBN 978-9038216317
4. Reconfigurable Memory Controller with Programmable Pattern Support: Tassadaq Hussain, Miquel Pericas, Nacho Navarro, Eduard Ayguade. 5th HiPEAC Workshop on Reconfigurable Computing, WRC 2011
5. PhD Internship Report: Tassadaq Hussain. Appeared in HiPEAC info (issue 29): January 2012.
6. Programmable Memory Controller for Vector System-on-Chip: Tassadaq Hussain. The seventh Microsoft Research Summer School, Microsoft Research in Cambridge, U.K., July 2012
7. PGC: Programmable Graphics Controller: Tassadaq Hussain and Amna Haider Appeared in HiPEAC info (issue 38): April 2014
8. Supporting Scatter/Gather Tasks in Manycore architectures: Tassadaq Hussain. 1st BSC Doctoral Symposium 2014
1. Real-Time System For Human Functional Movements Detection Using Brain-Computer Interface Data Tassadaq Hussain. Patent Number:257/3019 published Government of Pakistan Intellectual Property Organization.
2. An Iris based Lungs Pre-diagnostic System Tassadaq Hussain. Patent Number:256/3019 published Government of Pakistan Intellectual Property Organization.
3. A High Performance Edge Server System for IoTs Tassadaq Hussain. Patent Number:259/3019 published Government of Pakistan Intellectual Property Organization.
4. Flexible Data Acquisition System for Aerodynamics Applications Tassadaq Hussain. Patent Number:258/3019 published Government of Pakistan Intellectual Property Organization.
5. A Heterogeneous Multi-core based Biomedical Application Processing System and Programming Toolkit Tassadaq Hussain. Patent Number:253/3019 published Government of Pakistan Intellectual Property Organization.
6. A Specialized Memory Architecture for Medical Imaging Applications. Tassadaq Hussain. Patent number: 24/2017 published Government of Pakistan Intellectual Property Organization.
7. A Pattern based Memory System Architecture for High Performance computing Applications Tassadaq Hussain. Patent number: 509/2017 published Government of Pakistan Intellectual Property Organization.
8. A High Performance Software Defined Radio System Architecture and Development Environment for a Wide Range of Applications, Tassadaq Hussain. Patent number: 309/2018 published Government of Pakistan Intellectual Property Organization.
9. Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation Mode Control Using Pulse Oximeter, Tassadaq Hussain. Patent number: 310/2018 published Government of Pakistan Intellectual Property Organization.
10. FPGA-Powered Supercomputer System, Tassadaq Hussain. Patent number: 311/2018 published Government of Pakistan Intellectual Property Organization.