Introduction to Content Writing, 7 steps of writing process. Learn The Core Concepts Of Content Writing,
& Content Marketing.
What is Content Writing?
Fundamentals, Fields, Types
Content Writing and Creating Writing
Blog Post Types
Web Content Writing
Search Engine Optimization Content Writing
Copywriting- Formula and Strategies
Social Media Content
e-Book and Case Study Writing
Product Description Writing
Press Release Writing, Email and FAQ Writing
Proof-Reading and Editing
Plagiarism, Similarity and Idea Similarity
Top Writing Tools
Freelancing and career scope
Improving skills
Identify Reader and Purpose of Writing, b) Collection Information, c) Brainstorm, d) Organize, e) Draft, f) Revise.
Capture the attention of the audience, Collect Facts for Writing
Vloging: Frame the thoughts quickly and present using right tool.
Hands on experiences on Adobe photo-shop, after-effects
Create state of the art V-logs. Create Organic and Inorganic traffic. How To Increase The Website/ Blog
Traffic, Sales And Conversions By Writing Powerful Content
How to create own V-log business. Develop Marketing Plan To Promote & Share Content With Readers.

Prof. Dr. Tassadaq Hussain did his Ph.D. from Barcelona-tech Spain, in collaboration with Barcelona Supercomputing Center and Microsoft Research Center.
He is a member of HiPEAC: European Network on High Performance and Embedded Architecture and Compilation, Barcelona Supercomputing Center and Microsoft ResearchCentre Spain.
Until January 2018, he had more than 19 years of industrial experience including, Barcelona Supercomputing Centre Spain, Infineon technology France, Microsoft Research Cambridge, PLDA Italia, IBM Zurich Switzerland, and REPSOL Spain. He has published more than 50 international publications and filed 5 patents.
Tassadaq's main research lines are Machine Learning, Parallel Programming, Heterogeneous Multi-core Architectures, Single board Computers, Embedded Computer Vision, Runtime Resource Aware Architectures, Software Defined Radio and Supercomputing for Artificial Intelligence and Scientific Computing.