• Discussion and Sizing up the skills
• Consultancy and Skull Sessions for Personality Determination
• Brain-storming and Talkathon
• Ideation and sustainable solution
• Linkages and Mobilization
• Capacity Building
• Research based grooming for higher education
• Sought-After Skills Development and Carrier Growth
• State-of-the Art and Cutting Edge Technology Training
• Professional Skills Development
• State of the Art Technology Infrastructure
• Project Development Support
• Smart Solutions for the Real-world Problems
• Technology-led Industrial Transformation
• Funding and grant opportunities
• Venture funding and investment
• Networking, and Alliance-building
• STEM ToySack
ToysSack provides effective STEM classrooms that energize youngsters, help them grow into innovative thinkers and collaborators, and equip them for their futures. ToysSack provides the tools that are needed to get started and enhance STEM classes for youngsters. The classes provide science, math, and technology to solve real-world engineering design problems.
• ComputingPark
Collaboration with Barcelona Super-computing Center Spain
ComputingPark works according to the generic concept of technology parks with an extendable approach in the future, welcoming new tenant companies, students, scholars, managing authorities, established industries to work for hands in hands for the achievement of valuable technology diffusion in Pakistan.
• Pakistan Supercomputing Center
The PakistanSupercomputing provides services in the area of high performance computing and Artificial Intelligence. The Center provides secure and indigenous hardware-software solutions for embedded computing, cloud computing, and high performance computing applications. It provides Machine learning and deep reinforcement models to handle big-data properly through high performance computing machines.
• FootAnalytic:
FootAnalytic system is a biomedical device that takes pressure values from different parts of the feet and applies intelligent analysis to identify and diagnose different problems and issues due to bodyweight distribution. The FootAnalytic system is very useful in solving rehab problems. The system is in the final prototype stage and the team is working on commercialization and marketing.
• Smart Motor Controller:
The Smart Motor Controller is designed to provide hardware and software solutions for different types of automation projects. The controller supports BLDC, Induction, and PMSM. The project is installed for water pumping machines in agriculture applications. Its technology is also transferred to the Gujrat Fan industry for efficient and low-cost fan design with low energy consumption and higher power delivery. The Smart Controller for fan technology improves the “service value” by enhancing the power factor and reducing energy consumption. The technology improves the power factor up to 7-15 % by reducing power consumption up to 10W of a fan.
• Mechancial Solutions
The mechsack is a mechanical solution provider platform for creative and innovative ideas in the field of modeling and simulation, design and process, automobile and aerodynamics, hydraulics and fluid dynamics, power and renewable energies, statical and dynamic analysis, mechanical graphics and drawings, and many more. We provide assistance and guidance at any step of your innovation process in the vast and versatile field of mechanical.
• Medical Sack
The medical sack provides innovative ideas and project developments for biomedical applications. The medical sack provides complete bio-medical grade applications solutions using human body sensor interfaces, embedded high performance heterogeneous processing system architectures and scalable medical programming toolkits and applies advanced signal processing techniques.
• Smart and Cost Effective Atta Chaki (Flour Miller)
Pakistan consumes 25.6 Million Metric Ton wheat in a year, the engineering machinery used to process the wheat consumes approximately 640 Mega KW-Units of Electricity. Pure, original, and whole grain atta is a blessing that is not easily available even in agricultural countries like Pakistan due to socio, economic, and unprofessional management. Atta-Chaki propose complete supply chain and engineering solution for pure, whole grain desi atta at a comparative price from the market. The Atta-Chaki business model not only provides pure atta at a low price but also gives complete low-cost, low-power efficient engineering and business solutions for grain millers.
• Rice Sorting and Classification Machine:
Rice with 27 different varieties is the second largest cash crop in Pakistan. Pakistan's rice industry is unable to attain its deserving export position among its competitors due to the unavailability of high-end engineering machinery such as color sorting that provides rice finishing facilities of the required level. The Rice Color Classification and the Sorting machine takes the rice images using and by using advanced computing technology and intelligent computer vision techniques, it classifies the rice based on available varieties. The application is funded by Al-Karam Rice engineering and is now being used by the agricultural industry.

• Intellectual Property Rights
• Legal and Agreement Documentation
• Ownership Rights Support
• Marketing, Branding, and Planing